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Mary, Immaculate Queen

Mary, Immaculate Queen of the Universe

The Immaculate Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, after completing her earthly life, was raised body and soul to heavenly glory.
Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus, 44

The Assumption of Mary into Heaven is the fruit of the holy resurrection of Christ, Word of God and Head of the Church. She is his first resplendence, his glory, still hidden in Christ, but already sung in the Church.

The Assumption of Mary is a preaching of the Gospel of grace, which from faith in Christ leads to eternal life. In it we contemplate and admire the superabundant goodness of God the Trinity, who calls, creates and sanctifies the Church through "the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit".

Mary is alive in Heaven, in eternal life, in the beatitude promised to those who have followed the Lord even in his Passion! She who was more than any other His servant, is today glorified by the Trinity, and invited to share, in dependence on the one King her Son, the kingship over the universe.

Saint John Paul II

Catechesis on Mary, Queen of the Universe

general hearing of 23 July 1997

If we look at the analogy between the Ascension of Christ and the Assumption of Mary, we can conclude that, in dependence on Christ, Mary is the Queen who possesses and exercises over the universe a sovereignty given to her by her Son himself.

The title of Queen does not replace that of Mother: her kingship remains a corollary of her particular maternal mission, and simply expresses the power that has been conferred on her to accomplish such a mission.

The solicitude of Mary Queen for men can be fully effective precisely by virtue of the glorious state that follows her Assumption. St. Germain of Constantinople makes this clear, believing that such a state ensures Mary's intimate relationship with her Son and makes possible her intercession on our behalf. He adds, addressing Mary: "Christ wished to have, as it were, the proximity of your lips and your heart: he thus accedes to all the desires that you express to him when you suffer for your children, and he executes by his power all that you ask of him. »

We can conclude that the Assumption favours Mary's full communion not only with Christ, but with each one of us: she is with us because her glorious state allows her to follow us in our daily earthly journey.

Elevated to the glory of Heaven, Mary devotes herself totally to the work of salvation, to communicate to every living being the happiness that has been granted to her: she is a Queen who gives all that she possesses, sharing above all the life and love of Christ.

Enthrone Mary in your home

The enthronement of Mary, Immaculate Queen, is a specific apostolate of the Fraternity.

By enthroning Mary as Queen of their home, the baptised are invited to respond to Christ's call, at the time of his blessed passion, to receive Mary into their homes.

"Do not be afraid to take Mary into your home" (Mt 1:20).

Like St. Joseph in Nazareth and St. John at the foot of the Cross, they welcome the Mother of God into their homes and into their daily lives, to sanctify with her help all the dimensions of daily life, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

By enthroning the Virgin Mary in our homes, we ask her to reign in our hearts and in the places where we live so that the reign of God himself may extend there. In this way, we signify our desire to live at her school and under her gaze, by entrusting our whole life to her: she will teach us to remain united to her Son, in docility to the Holy Spirit.

The enthronement of Mary, Immaculate Queen, in the home is a specific apostolate of the Fraternity, a treasure which it has the mission to make known within the Church.

"Mary, Immaculate Queen, today we want to welcome you to our home. From now on this place belongs to you and we want to live in your presence, under your gaze. Free this place from all the powers of darkness, and let the reign of God extend here.
May this house become a place of grace for all those who pass through it, may they be touched by your presence and learn from you to believe in the omnipotence of love. »
Prayer of Induction (excerpts)

Induction in practice

Who is the induction for?

To all the baptized who want to consecrate their life and their home to Mary.

How does the induction process work?

The gesture of enthronement takes place in the simplicity of a family ceremony, presided over by a member of the Fraternity, or by a Messenger mandated for this purpose. After the blessing of the premises and a time of listening to the Word of God, a representation of Mary - an image, icon or statue - is placed in honour in the home or workplace. The celebration concludes with the prayer of enthronement, recited before this image.

How do I prepare for the induction in my home?

Contact France or Pierre-Joseph by telephone or by e-mail (intronisation.mri@gmail.com) at the Fraternity of Bois le Roi; a programme of preparation will then be proposed to you during the days Take Mary home with you, on Saturdays.

The Covenant

The Covenant with Mary, Immaculate Queen

The Fraternity proposes to the faithful who wish to bind their lives definitively to the Virgin Mary to seal the Pact of Alliance with her. They then become Messengers of Mary, Immaculate Queen of the Universe, and thus enter the Family of Messengers of Mary, Immaculate Queen, the spiritual family that the Fraternity accompanies (Art. 2 of the Fraternity's statutes).

By this step, which is usually taken during a Mass in one of the houses of the Fraternity, the Messenger places his whole life in the hands of Mary; he commits himself to be a witness of her maternal and royal presence, learning from her to lead a daily life more and more in conformity with the Gospel, nourished by prayer and the sacraments.

The covenant pact is celebrated at the end of a personal journey accompanied by the Fraternity. Marian retreats are offered each year to the Fraternity to enter more deeply into the secret of Mary.

"Let all strive, according to their condition, to reproduce in their hearts and lives, with vigilant and attentive zeal, the great virtues of the Queen of Heaven, Our Most Loving Mother.
It will follow that Christians, by honouring and imitating such a great Queen, will at last feel themselves truly brothers and sisters and, banishing envy and immoderate desires for wealth, will develop social charity, respect the rights of the poor and love peace.
Let no one, therefore, believe himself to be a son of Mary, worthy to be received under her powerful protection, unless, following her example, he shows himself to be gentle, just and chaste, and contributes with love to true brotherhood, concerned not to hurt and harm, but to help and console.
Extracts from the encyclical "Ad Caeli Reginam

Prayers, songs and meditations

Discover prayers, texts, meditations, songs... and the Leaf of Life!

The Fraternity lives from its work (reception, salaried activity of some members, religious crafts), from donations, and from the support of its friends and Messengers.

To discover the community's crafts, visit the website of the Workshops of Mary, Immaculate Queen.

A question, a comment? Please contact us!

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The Fraternity

The Fraternity is composed of consecrated brothers and sisters, some of whom are priests.

Consecrated in the commitment to celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom, the members live an evangelical life in community, centred on the Eucharist, uniting the offering of their lives to that of Mary.

Discover the process of enthronement in the homes of Mary, Immaculate Queen

The House of Bois-le-Roi

The house in Bois-le-Roi is located at the gateway to the forest of Fontainebleau, south-east of Paris. It is the mother house of the Fraternity, where about twenty brothers and sisters live this simple and family life, punctuated by prayer, work and fraternal life.

We welcome you every day of the week, for special events or retreats.

Discover our proposals


"Let yourself be touched by God who is near, let the presence of his love reach your soul. Let yourself be filled with the joy of God who shows himself to us, who created us and will never leave us: then you will sing."

Cardinal Ratzinger on the feast of St. Cecilia

Discover prayers, texts, meditations, songs... and the Leaf of Life!