Prayers, texts, meditations, songs
Receive favourably the words of my mouth and the feelings of my heart,
O Lord, my rock and my deliverer!
Psalm 19:14
Do you like to pray and meditate with Mary?
Nourish your faith with the leaf of life!
Every month, a Leaf of Life to pray together! Every 22nd of the month, let us put ourselves together at the school of our Queen with the Messengers of Mary, Immaculate Queen of the Universe. A text to help our meditation, a rosary with commentary on the mysteries of the Rosary, texts from the apostolic letters of Pope Francis, etc.
Let's meditate on the Way of the Cross with...
Prayers and meditations
Mary, full of grace
The angel entered her home and said:
"Hail, full of grace! "
Called to be the Mother of the beloved Son, Mary is filled with the grace of the one God: in the Father's benevolent plan, saved in advance in Christ, sanctified by the Spirit, she is the "First Church"!
O Immaculate One, pray for us sinners!
Mary, Ever Virgin and Mother of God
You will conceive and bear a Son,
and you will call His name Jesus.
Mary conceives in her virginity, by the action of the Holy Spirit, the One who is begotten before time in the bosom of the Father, the Saviour! In her, the only Son of the Father becomes true man, so that in Him all men can become sons of God. She is truly "Mother of God"!
O Virgin Mother of God, pray for us poor sinners!
Mary, Perfect Disciple of Christ and Mother of the Church
Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and keep it.
Mary follows her Son as a true disciple, she meditates and keeps his Word in her heart; fully associated with Christ the Redeemer, she stands at the foot of the Cross and becomes the Mother of every man redeemed by his Blood.
O Mary, faithful virgin, handmaid of the Lord, pray for us poor sinners!
Mary, glorified alongside her Son and Queen of the Universe
I will give him the Morning Star. Now living in the glory of her Son, the first of the Church invited to the wedding feast of eternal life, Mary cooperates maternally with him and in the Spirit in the return of all and everything to God, until the day when he will be all in all.
O Mary, Mother of the Son of God, our High Priest and King, pray for us poor sinners!
"O my Sovereign, supreme Mistress;
Mother of my Saviour, reign over me... Sovereign among servants, Queen among your sisters. »
Idelphonse of Toledo
Prayers throughout the day
Morning Prayer
O Father, O Son, O Holy Spirit,
through Mary, Immaculate Queen, bless me,
grant me the grace to spend my day in holiness.
Close to You, O Mary, Immaculate Queen, I want to live,
with You, I want to offer myself to Jesus,
through You, I desire to receive His blessing,
so that my day may begin, continue, and end,
in doing only His most holy will.
O Mary, Immaculate Queen, hold me tightly by the hand,
so that I may advance at the same pace as you
in the will of God.
Mid-Day Prayer
O Mary, immaculate Queen, look upon our poor, troubled and sick world;
You know our miseries and weaknesses: have pity on us.
Jesus has given you rights over all humanity:
he has entrusted to you the treasures of his graces, and through you he wishes to grant us his forgiveness, and his mercy.
This is why, in these distressing hours, your children turn to you as their only hope.
We recognize your universal kingship,
, and we want your triumph.
We need a Mother and her heart.
Be the luminous dawn that dispels our darkness, and shows us the true path of life.
Be the ever-flowing spring where we come to draw courage,
trust and love.
Be the bond that unites all men, and the sign of peace.
Be, as you have always been, this Mother of the great days of trial, who saves us in the hour of peril, amen.
The "evening rendezvous
The evening "Rendezvous" with the Virgin Mary puts us in communion with all those who have enthroned her, and who turn to her to honour her before the night's rest.
- Start with three Hail Marys
- Then the doxology: "Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and ever and for ever. Amen."
- Then the following invocations:
"Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you. / "Mary, Immaculate Queen, triumph and reign." / "St. Joseph and St. John, pray for us." "Holy angels of God, watch over us". - Read the next day's Gospel and after a moment of silence and meditation say your act of contrition: 'My God, I am very sorry that I have offensed you because you are infinitely good and sin displeases you. I firmly resolve, with the help of your holy grace, not to offenser you any more and to do penance."
- Renew your baptismal promises: "I renounce Satan, all his works, all his seductions and I cling to Jesus Christ for ever. O Mary, Immaculate Queen, keep me in her love and in your service and give my heart the dimensions of yours."
- End with a song to Mary, the "Salve Regina" for example.
The Litany of Mary, Immaculate Queen
Lord, have mercy / Lord, have mercy,
O Christ, have mercy / O Christ, have mercy,
Lord, have mercy / Lord, have mercy.
O Mary Immaculate Queen,
Temple of the Holy Trinity / reign over us,
O Mary Immaculate Queen,
Beloved Daughter of the Father / reign over us,
Most worthy Mother of the Son of God / reign over us,
Most pure Spouse of the Holy Spirit / reign over us,
preserved from the original sin / reign over us
filled by the Most High with the fullness of grace / reign over us,
blessed among all women / reign over us,
mother of pure love / reign over us,
rose of charity / reign over us,
lily of purity / reign over us,
violet of humility / reign over us,
Queen of all virtues / reign over us,
O Mary Immaculate Queen,
Merciful Mother of the God of mercy, be the refuge of poor sinners / we beseech you, hear us,
victorious in all God's battles, convert those who persecute the Church / we beseech you, hear us,
you who triumph over evil and death, be the hope of the dying / we beg you, listen to us,
Mother of a perfectly maternal heart, have mercy on the distress of the poor / we beg you, listen to us,
Mother of a perfectly maternal heart, soften the suffering of all those who are alone, we beg you, listen to us.
O Mary Immaculate Queen,
Virgin Most Sweet, Sovereign of all hearts / we want your triumph,
Virgin Most Good, Sovereign of homes / we want your triumph,
Virgin Most Pure, Sovereign of children's souls / we want your triumph,
Most faithful Virgin, Sovereign of consecrated souls / we want your triumph,
sign of salvation, Sovereign of France / we want your triumph,
Queen of peace, Sovereign of nations / we want your triumph,
Be loved, blessed, exalted, O Mary Immaculate Queen, and reign forever over the universe / on earth as in heaven.
Eternal and almighty God, you who raised Mary, Mother of your Son and our Mother, to the glory of heaven with her soul and body, and crowned her the immaculate Queen of heaven and earth, grant that all men may recognize her in her true place and make her triumph and reign in all hearts and lives.

Salve Regina
11th century
I greet you, O Queen, Mother of Mercy,
who are for us life, sweetness and hope.
To you, we the sons of Eve,
we cry in our exile,
To you we sigh
moaning and crying in this valley of tears.
You, our Advocate,
turn your eyes full of goodness towards us,
and Jesus, your blessed son,
show him to us at the end of this exile.
O merciful, O good, O gentle,
Virgin Mary.
Prayer to Saint Joseph
of Saint Francis de Sales
Glorious Saint Joseph, husband of Mary,
grant us your fatherly protection,
we beseech you through the Heart of Jesus Christ.
O you whose power extends to all our needs
and knows how to make the most impossible things possible for us,
open your fatherly eyes to the interests of your children.
In the embarrassment and sorrow which press upon us
we turn to you with confidence.
Please take under your charitable guidance
these important and difficult matters.
May their happy outcome be for the glory of God
and contribute to the good of those who wish to serve him faithfully.
O my sweetest Sovereign
Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
O blessed and most sweet Virgin Mary, Mother of God, full of all goodness,
Daughter of the King of kings, Sovereign of the Angels, mother of the Creator of the universe,
I throw into the bosom of your goodness, today and all the days of my life, my body and my soul, all my actions, my thoughts, my wills, my desires, my words, my works, my whole life and my death, so that, through your suffrages that all this may tend to good, according to the will of your dear Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, so that I may have you, O my most holy Sovereign, as my ally and comforter, against the snares and traps of the ancient adversary and of all my enemies.
From your dear Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, obtain for me the grace to resist the temptations of the world, of the flesh and of the devil, and to be ever mindful not to sin in the future, but to persevere in your service and that of your dear Son.
I also beg you, O my most holy Sovereign, to obtain for me true obedience and humility of heart, so that I may truly recognize myself as a wretched and fragile sinner, powerless not only to do the least good work, but also to withstand continual attacks, without the grace and help of my Creator and your holy prayers.
Obtain for me also, O my sweetest Sovereign, perpetual chastity of mind and body, so that with a pure heart and a chaste body I may serve your beloved Son and yourself according to my vocation. Obtain for me from him voluntary poverty, with patience and peace of mind, so that I may know how to bear the labours of my condition for my salvation and that of my brothers.
Obtain for me again, O most sweet Sovereign, a true charity which makes me love with all my heart your most holy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and you, after him, above all things, and my neighbour in God and for God's sake, knowing how to rejoice in his good, how to grieve in his evil, how to despise no one, how never to judge rashly, how never to prefer myself in my heart to anyone.
Teach me, O Queen of Heaven, to always unite in my heart the fear and love of your most sweet Son; to always give thanks for so many benefits which come to me not from my own merits but from his pure goodness; to make a pure and sincere confession of my sins, a true penance, so as to merit mercy and grace.
Finally, I beg you, O unique Mother, gateway to heaven and advocate of sinners, not to allow me, your unworthy servant, to deviate from the holy Catholic faith at the end of my life, but to help me according to your great mercy and love, and to defend me from evil spirits; That by the glorious Passion of your blessed Son, and by your own intercession, my heart full of hope, you may obtain for me from Jesus the forgiveness of my sins, so that, dying in your love and his, you may direct me in the way of deliverance to salvation.

I love you, O my Queen!
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori (1696-1787)
O my Sovereign, if you pray for me I shall be saved; for you obtain by your prayers all that you want; pray for me, august Mother of God, since your divine Son listens to you and grants you all that you ask of him. It is true that I am unworthy of your protection; but you have never abandoned any of those who have had recourse to you.
O Mary, I entrust my soul to you; it is for you to save it. Obtain for me perseverance in the grace of God and love for your Son and for you.
I love you, O my Queen, and I hope to love you always; love me too, receive me close to you and have pity on me; do it for the love you have for Jesus.
Consider the confidence I have in your mercy and do not cease to help me in all my troubles. I know that you will not fail to help me when I recommend myself to you; but you must also obtain for me this grace, that I should always have recourse to you in temptations and at the moment when I might lose the grace of God.
Assist me at the hour of my death; make me breathe my last, having on my lips your name and that of your Son, and saying: Jesus, Mary, I commend my soul to you!
O most holy Virgin, Queen of heaven and earth, Queen and Mother of the family
Mgr Maurice-Louis Dubourg, Archbishop of Besançon, 1938
O most holy Virgin,
Queen of heaven and earth, Queen and Mother of the family
that God chose on earth to be born and live among us
Be also the Queen and Mother of this family
and of each of its members present and absent, present and future!
Be forever the Mistress of this house and all its inhabitants!
All of us proclaim you our Sovereign and Mother for time and eternity!
Reign to make the adorable Heart of Jesus reign over us!
Once again, we give ourselves and consecrate ourselves to your maternal Heart,
to which we hand over and abandon the direction of this house, the care of our souls and bodies, the conduct of our lives and of all our spiritual and temporal affairs.
Direct us, O faithful Virgin, in the immaculate way, in the way of love that leads to the divine Heart!
Make us dwell with you in her love and intimacy!
Watch over all things in your infallible wisdom!
Provide for all things in your maternal goodness and royal liberality!
Remedy all our ills and faults in your great mercy!
Right us in our wrongs!
Support us in our failures!
Strengthen us in our weaknesses!
Comfort us in our sorrows!
And may your tender Heart of a good Mother, your immaculate Heart,
be for us the gateway to Heaven, to the Heaven of love that is the Heart of Jesus!
We beg you by your divine tenderness for this Sacred Heart
and by the love with which it burns for you!
In Mary, through the enthronement, open our lives to grace
By enthroning the Virgin Mary in our midst, we accept God's gift of his Mother - "Behold your Mother" (Jn 19:27) - and thus respond to a profound intention of the Heart of Christ.
"Elevated body and soul to the glory of Heaven, and exalted by the Lord as Queen of the universe" (Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium 59), Mary must also be welcomed, loved and honoured by her children on earth.
In the enthronement, the Church contemplates and admires in Mary the great loving plan of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for her, for the whole of creation: we are manifesting the place and the glory given by God himself to Mary.
In Mary, Jesus' prayer to his Father is already fully answered: "Father, I want those whom you have given me to be with me where I am, so that they may behold my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world" (Jn 17:24). "(Jn 17:24)
By choosing to enthrone Mary as Queen of our home, we want to let her take possession of our lives, so that she can teach us to receive God's grace and make us true sons and daughters of the Church.
We want to learn from her to love each other on earth as we love each other in Heaven: our lives will thus become living testimonies of the God of charity.
O Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mother of men, immaculate Queen of the universe, triumph and reign!
Texts and meditations on the Royalty of Mary
Prayer to Mary Queen
Pius XII, 1 November 1954

Coronation of Mary by Pius XII
From the depths of this land of tears, where suffering humanity drags itself painfully through the swirls of a sea constantly agitated by the winds of passions, we raise our eyes to you, O Mary, most beloved Mother, to draw comfort from the contemplation of your glory and to greet you as Queen and Mistress of heaven and earth, Our Queen and Our Lady.
We want to exalt your Royalty with the legitimate pride of sons and recognize it as due to the supreme excellence of your whole being, O sweetest and truest Mother of Him who is King by right, by inheritance, by conquest.
Reign, O Our Queen and Our Lady, showing us the way of holiness, directing and assisting us, so that we may never stray from it.
In the highest heaven, you exercise your royalty over the choirs of angels who acclaim you as their Sovereign, over the legions of saints who rejoice in the contemplation of your radiant beauty; so reign also over the whole human race, especially by opening the way of faith to those who do not yet know your divine Son.
Reign over the Church which professes and celebrates your sweet dominion, and which looks to you as a sure refuge in the midst of the calamities of our time. But reign especially over that portion of the Church which is persecuted and oppressed, giving it strength to bear adversities, constancy not to bend under unjust pressures, light not to fall into the snares of the enemy, firmness to resist open attacks, and at all times unwavering fidelity to your kingdom.
Reign over minds, that they may seek only the truth; over wills, that they may follow only what is good; over hearts, that they may love only what you love yourself.
Rule over individuals and families, as well as societies and nations; over the assemblies of the powerful, over the councils of the wise, as well as over the aspirations of the humble.
Reign in the roads and public squares, in cities and villages, in valleys and mountains, in the air, on land and sea; and welcome the prayers of those who know that your kingdom is a kingdom of mercy, where every plea is heard, every pain comforted, every misfortune relieved, every infirmity healed, and where, as if by a sign from your most gentle hands, life is reborn smiling from death itself.
Grant that those who now, in all parts of the world, acclaim you and acknowledge you as Queen and Mistress may one day enjoy the fullness of your kingdom in heaven, in the vision of your divine Son, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever.
So be it!
From Pius XII
Radio message on 13 May 1946, for the coronation of Our Lady of Fatima
"Mary's kingship is essentially maternal, exclusively beneficent...
You have crowned her Queen of Peace and of the world, so that she may help the world to recover peace and rise from its ruins. And so this crown, a symbol of love and gratitude for the past, of faith and vassalage in the present, is also a crown of fidelity and hope for the future.
By crowning the image of Our Lady, you have made an act of faith in her royalty, of loyal submission to her authority, of filial and constant correspondence to her love...
More than that, you have enlisted in the crusade to conquer her kingdom, which is the kingdom of have committed yourselves to work so that she will be loved, revered, served around you, in the family, in society, in the world. »
Blessed Virgin Mary, queen of service and love
Catechesis of Benedict XVI: audience of Wednesday 22 August 2012
"Dear brothers and sisters,
Today we celebrate the liturgical memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary, invoked under the title "Queen".
The institution of this feast is recent, although it is ancient in its origin and the devotion it inspires: it was established, in fact, by the venerable Pius XII, in 1954, at the end of the Marian Year, who set the date for it at 31 May (cf. Encyclical Letter Ad caeli Reginam, 11 October 1954).
On this occasion, the Pope declared that Mary is queen more than any other creature, because of the elevation of her soul and the excellence of the gifts she has received. She does not cease to lavish all the treasures of her love and thoughtfulness on humanity (cf. Discourse in honour of Mary Queen, 1 November 1954). Now, following the post-conciliar reform of the liturgical calendar, the feast is placed eight days after the solemnity of the Assumption, to emphasise the close link between Mary's kingship and her glorification in soul and body, alongside her Son. In the Second Vatican Council's Constitution on the Church, we read: "Mary was exalted in body and soul to the glory of heaven, and exalted by the Lord as Queen of the universe, so as to be more fully conformed to her Son" (Lumen Gentium, 59).
This is the origin of today's feast: Mary is Queen because she is uniquely associated with her Son, on his earthly journey as in the glory of heaven. The great Syrian saint, Ephrem the Syriac, says of Mary's kingship that it derives from her motherhood: she is the Mother of the Lord, of the King of kings (cf. Is 9:1-6) and she points us to Jesus who is life, salvation and our hope.
The Servant of God Paul VI recalled in his Apostolic Exhortation Marialis Cultus: "In the Virgin, everything relates to Christ and everything depends on him: for his sake God the Father, from all eternity, chose her as his most holy Mother and adorned her with gifts of the Spirit which no one else has ever bestowed" (n. 25)
But now we can ask ourselves: what does the expression Mary Queenmean ?
Is it only a title, linked to others, and the crown an ornament like any other? What does it mean? What is this royalty?
As we have already indicated, it is a consequence of her union with her Son, of her existence in heaven, that is, in communion with God; she participates in God's responsibility for the world, in God's love for the world.
We have an ordinary, common idea of the king or queen: it would be a person of power, of wealth. But this is not the style of kingship of Jesus and Mary. Let us think of the Lord: Jesus' kingship and way of being king is woven with humility, service, love: it is above all to serve, help, love. Let us remember that Jesus was proclaimed king on the cross by this inscription written by Pilate: "King of the Jews" (cf. Mk 15:26). At that moment, on the cross, he shows that he is king; and how is he king? By suffering with us, for us, by loving us to the end, and in this way he governs and creates truth, love and justice. Or let us think of another moment: at the Last Supper, he bends down to wash the feet of his friends.
The kingship of Jesus has nothing to do with the kings of the earth. He is a king who serves his servants; this is what he demonstrated throughout his life.
And the same is true of Mary: she is queen in her service to God for humanity, she is queen of the love with which she lives the gift of herself to God in order to enter into the plan of salvation of man. To the angel she replies: Here I am, the handmaid of the Lord (cf. Lk 1:38) and in the Magnificat she sings: God has looked upon the humility of his servant (cf. Lk 1:48). She helps us. It is precisely by loving us that she is queen, by helping us in all our needs; she is our sister, a humble servant.
And here we come to the central point: how does Mary exercise this royalty of service and love?
By watching over us, her children: children who turn to her in prayer, to thank her or to ask for her maternal protection and heavenly help, after having perhaps taken the wrong road, oppressed by pain or by anguish due to the sad vicissitudes that disturb life.
In the serenity or in the darkness of our lives, we turn to Mary, trusting in her continuous intercession so that she may obtain for us from her Son all the graces and mercy necessary for our pilgrimage on the roads of the world.
To him who governs the world and holds the destiny of the universe in his hands, we address ourselves, trusting, through the Virgin Mary. For centuries she has been invoked as Queen of Heaven; eight times, after the prayer of the Rosary, she is implored in the Litany of the Blessed Virgin as Queen of the Angels, of the Patriarchs, of the Prophets, of the Apostles, of the Martyrs, of the Confessors, of the Virgins, of all the Saints and of the Families.
The rhythm of these ancient invocations and daily prayers such as the Salve Regina, help us to understand that the Blessed Virgin, our Mother who is next to her Son Jesus in the glory of heaven, is always with us, in the daily course of our lives.
The title of Queen is therefore a title of trust, joy and love. And we know that she who holds the fate of the world in her hands is good, that she loves us and helps us in our difficulties.
Dear friends, devotion to the Virgin Mary is an important element of the spiritual life. In our prayer, let us not forget to turn to her with confidence. Mary will not fail to intercede for us with her Son.
As we look at her, let us imitate her faith, her total availability to God's plan of love, her generous welcome of Jesus. Let us learn to live from Mary. Mary is the Queen of Heaven, close to God, but she is also our mother, close to each of us, who loves us and listens to our voice.
Thank you for your attention. »

The power of intercession at the heart of the mystery of Mary's kingship
Excerpts from Mary and the Church in the light of the Jubilee Year 2000, Mgr Henri Brincard
The kingship of Mary, relative to that of Christ the King, is above all the power of the Mother who, through her prayer, can obtain from her Son all the favours which she places at the service of the mission of the Church.
This power of intercession makes Mary the queen of the Church - the royalty of priests reigning on earth (Rev 4:10), but also the royalty of the saints in heaven and of the souls in Purgatory -, of that Church whose mission is to bring men to salvation, and thus all things under one Head, Christ (Eph 1:10)
Mary is the Queen of the "visible and invisible universe" - she is the Queen of the Angels - as well as the sovereign of humanity in search of God. She intervenes to enlighten prayer and to guide the efforts of men to build the Kingdom of God.
The Glories of Mary
Fifth Discourse, St. Alphonsus Liguori
The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin
Mary is the treasurer of all divine graces: he who desires graces must therefore have recourse to Mary; and he who has recourse to Mary must be assured of receiving all the graces he desires.
The house visited by some royal person is considered happy, both because of the honour it brings and because of the benefits it hopes to gain. But much happier must we call the soul visited by the Queen of the universe, the Blessed Virgin Mary, who cannot fail to fill with riches and graces the fortunate souls whom she deigns to favour with her visit.
The house of Obedom was blessed when it received the Ark of the Lord.
But when souls are lovingly visited by the living Ark of God that was the divine Mother, oh, what far more abundant blessings are they not enriched with? "Blessed is the house which the Mother of God visits," cries Engelgrave. The house of John the Baptist experienced this.
No sooner had Mary entered the house than she showered the whole family with graces and heavenly blessings. This is why the feast of the Visitation that we celebrate today is commonly called the feast of Our Lady of Graces.
Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe
What can we wish for her who is exalted above all earthly and heavenly creatures, who has become the Mother of God and who now reigns eternally in Paradise?
She is the Queen of Heaven and earth, our Mediatrix: through her hands all graces are poured out! O Queen, we wish with all our soul that you take possession of our hearts and of all hearts without exception.
Reign over each one of us and reign not only during our earthly pilgrimage, but also for ever and ever, and for eternity.
Sermon of St. Peter Canisius, priest
Why should we not call the Blessed Virgin Mary Queen, following Damascene, Athanasius and the others, since her father David, an illustrious king, and her son, King of kings and Lord of lords, whose empire is without end, receive the highest praise in the Scriptures? She is also a queen if we compare her with those who, like kings, have obtained the heavenly kingship with Christ, the sovereign King, as joint heirs and, according to the word of Scripture, established with him as on the same throne. And she is the Queen who does not yield to any of the elect, but is superior in dignity to the Angels as well as to men, especially since nothing can be superior to her in sublimity and holiness, since she alone has the same Son as God the Father, and since, having only God and Christ above her, she sees all the rest as being below her.
The great Athanasius said in a remarkable way: "Mary is held not only as Mother of God, but also, exactly and truly, as Queen and Sovereign, since Christ, born of this Virgin Mother, remains God and Lord as well as King. "It is to this Queen, then, that the words of the Psalmist are related: 'The Queen has stood at your right hand in her golden garment. It is therefore right to call Mary not only Queen of heaven, but also Queen of heaven, as the mother of the King of Angels, as the friend and wife of the King of heaven. It is you, then, most august Queen, it is you, most faithful Mother, O Mary, whom no one devoutly implores in vain, to whom all mortals are bound by the eternal remembrance of your benefits, it is you whom I tirelessly and reverently beg to ratify and accept all the testimonies of my devotion to you, to deign to measure the feeble tributes I present to you in accordance with the zeal with which my will offers them, and to deign to commend them to your Almighty Son.
Homily of St. Bonaventure, bishop
Sermon on the royal dignity of the Virgin Mary
It is as if the angel is saying openly: "You will conceive and bear a son who will be King, sitting on his royal throne forever, so that you yourself will reign as Mother of the King and reside as Queen on a royal throne. »
If it is fitting that the Son should give this honour to his mother, it is also fitting that he should give her a royal throne. Therefore, since the Virgin Mary conceived the one whose harness bears this inscription: 'King of kings and Lord of lords', from the very moment she conceived the Son of God, she was queen not only of the earth but also of heaven.
Mary Queen is very high in glory.
The prophet shows this in the psalm where it is said of Christ: "Your throne, O God, is established for ever", and then of the Virgin: "The Queen is at your right hand, dressed in garments of gold, that is to say, filled with the best of goods and clothed with immortality, as befitted the Virgin on the day of her Assumption...
For we must take it for granted that the Virgin, glorious in body and soul, sits beside her Son.
Mary Queen is the dispenser of graces. It is through her that, as through an aqueduct, divine grace comes to us to heal the human race.
Indeed, it is Our Lady who is the dispenser of grace, not as the principle of it but as the one who has deserved it.
Thus the Virgin Mary is for all peoples the most excellent queen, since she implores forgiveness for us, triumphs in battle, distributes grace and consequently leads to glory.

Songs of the Brotherhood
"Let yourself be touched by God who is near,
let the presence of his love reach your soul.
Let yourself be filled with the joy of God who shows himself to us,
created us and will never leave us:
then you will sing. »
Homily of Cardinal Ratzinger on the feast of St. Cecilia
Song, an expression of the praise that springs from the heart, has an important place in the liturgy of the Fraternity. Coming from the Byzantine tradition, and in particular from the abbeys of Lérins and Chevetogne, the songs of the Fraternity are intended, in their simplicity and sobriety, to be at the service of the Word of God and the contemplation of its Mystery.
Listen to audio excerpts from the song CD Joyful Light :
On this day
Virgin Mother of God
You can obtain the song CDs at the shop of the Workshops of Mary, Immaculate Queen.
The Fraternity lives from its work (reception, salaried activity of some members, religious crafts), from donations, and from the support of its friends and Messengers.
To discover the community's crafts, visit the website of the Workshops of Mary, Immaculate Queen.
A question, a comment? Please contact us!

The Fraternity
The Fraternity is composed of consecrated brothers and sisters, some of whom are priests.
Consecrated in the commitment to celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom, the members live an evangelical life in community, centred on the Eucharist, uniting the offering of their lives to that of Mary.
Discover the process of enthronement in the homes of Mary, Immaculate Queen
The House of Bois-le-Roi
The house in Bois-le-Roi is located at the gateway to the forest of Fontainebleau, south-east of Paris. It is the mother house of the Fraternity, where about twenty brothers and sisters live this simple and family life, punctuated by prayer, work and fraternal life.
We welcome you every day of the week, for special events or retreats.
"Let yourself be touched by God who is near, let the presence of his love reach your soul. Let yourself be filled with the joy of God who shows himself to us, who created us and will never leave us: then you will sing."
Cardinal Ratzinger on the feast of St. Cecilia
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