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Who are we?

The Fraternity of Mary, Immaculate Queen

The Bois-le-Roi fraternity

The Fraternity of Mary, Immaculate Queen, is at the heart of the Family of Messengers. It is composed of consecrated brothers and sisters. Among the brothers, some are priests.

Consecrated to the Lord in the commitment to celibacy for the Kingdom, the members of the Fraternity live an evangelical life in community, centred on the Eucharist, uniting the offering of their lives to that of Mary. They ask her to help them to live from her profound and unreserved unity with Christ, in love, to make charity visible. In a spirit of adoration and reparation for the world, they want to give God together the response of love that He expects from His children.

Encouraging one another every day to conversion of heart and mercy, priests and laity, men and women, want to live the Lord's new commandment: "Love one another as I have loved you". They want to bear witness in our world that Trinitarian Love, springing from the Heart of Christ, can bear its fruits of reconciliation and unity today.

Born in Bois le Roi, canonically erected as a public association of the faithful by the Bishop of Meaux on 25 January 1986, the Fraternity is currently placed under the episcopal authority of Mgr Olivier de Germay, Archbishop of Lyon.

"Receive this cross, sign of the victorious love of Jesus, which Mary, Immaculate Queen, has fully accepted, and which must, with Her and through Her, extend to the whole universe."
(Extract from the Ritual of Commitment)

The daily life of the members of the Fraternity

Simple and familial, the daily life is punctuated by prayer, work and fraternal life. Their houses are open to all those who wish to spend a time of renewal at the school of Mary. Concrete proposals for teaching and retreats are made throughout the year.

In addition, the Fraternity animates the Family of Messengers and sees to its development, notably through the Visitations that it organises.

It also proposes that all baptized persons respond to Christ's call to "take Mary into their homes" by enthroning Mary as the Queen of their homes.

More about the induction >

Brothers Fraternity of Mary Immaculate Queen

A life centred on the Eucharist

The daily life of the brothers and sisters of the Fraternity is centred on the Eucharist. Mass is the high point of each day, and is continued in the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Through their life of prayer and charity, the members of the Fraternity - priests and lay people - want to invite everyone to draw from the living source of the sacraments and the liturgy.
> The Fraternity's schedule

In the service of the Kingdom of Mary, the priests of the Fraternity

They serve the faithful and the community, cooperating with the diocesan Church, wherever they are. Within the community, they are particularly available to listen to and accompany people, especially in the sacrament of reconciliation.

At the service of Mary's reign, they accompany, with their brothers and sisters, the Family of Messengers, through visitations, the enthronement of Mary, Immaculate Queen, in homes, and meetings of Messengers organised in various regions of France and the world.

Finally, they dedicate themselves to the apostolate of the Fraternity, by proposing times of retreat, teaching, camps, pilgrimages...

The priesthood, at the service of the reign of Christ and his Mother, is at the heart of the life of the Fraternity: a priesthood rooted in a life of fraternal charity, and exercised in communion with the consecrated lay brothers and sisters of the community.

The Family of Messengers

The Bois-le-Roi fraternity
Shrine of Mary Immaculate Queen in Togo

The Family of Messengers of Mary, Immaculate Queen

In the heart of the Catholic Church, among the great diversity of communities and movements that the Holy Spirit raises up for the needs of our times, a spiritual family has been born, the Family of the Messengers of Mary, Immaculate Queen of the Universe.

Manifesting the mystery of the universal Kingship of Mary

The Family of Messengers brings together baptized people from all walks of life, who choose to lead a life intimately linked to the person of Mary, to become witnesses of Jesus Christ, of his reign of love and light, fully realized in Her.
They want to live and manifest in the heart of the Church and the world the mystery of Mary's universal Kingship, and make her known under her title of Immaculate Queen of the Universe.

The Family of Messengers in the world

The Family of Messengers, born in France, is now present on several continents around the world, notably in Ireland, England, Switzerland, Argentina, the United States, Gabon and Togo.

The Messengers of Mary, Immaculate Queen are linked to each other and to the Fraternity in a living communion. The Fraternity animates the Family of Messengers, especially through the Visitations.

The covenant pact

One enters the Family of Messengers of Mary, Immaculate Queen, by sealing a pact of covenant with her, celebrated during a Mass, at the end of a personal journey accompanied by the Fraternity. In this way, the messenger places his whole life in the hands of Mary; he commits himself to be a witness to her maternal and royal presence, learning from her to lead a daily life that is more and more in conformity with the Gospel, nourished by prayer and the sacraments.

The Bois-le-Roi fraternity
Mary Immaculate Queen in Parana, Argentina
The Bois-le-Roi fraternity
Referents gathered at an annual WE in Bois-le-Roi

At the service of this family: the referents

Among the Messengers, some have responded to the call to place themselves at the service of the family of Mary, Immaculate Queen, by being first of all a presence, a relay in the regions where the Fraternity does not have an establishment. They are an "auxiliary" to the mission of the Fraternity.

Click on the image below to open the slideshow:

Our house in Bois-le-Roi

The Bois-le-Roi fraternity

The community

The house in Bois-le-Roi, whose name is "Meryem Ana", is situated at the edge of the Fontainebleau forest, south-east of Paris. It is the mother house of the Fraternity, where about twenty brothers and sisters live this simple and family life, punctuated by prayer, work and fraternal life.

The Oratory of Mary, Immaculate Queen

It is a privileged place of prayer, where the Mother of God welcomes each of her children.

The Bois-le-Roi fraternity

The Encounter Tent

Mass is celebrated every day in the Tent of Meeting, where the community's services and prayer times also take place.

Click below to discover the Mother House in pictures:

The Fraternity lives from its work (reception, salaried activity of some members, religious crafts), from donations, and from the support of its friends and Messengers.

To discover the community's crafts, visit the website of the Workshops of Mary, Immaculate Queen.

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The Fraternity

The Fraternity is composed of consecrated brothers and sisters, some of whom are priests.

Consecrated in the commitment to celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom, the members live an evangelical life in community, centred on the Eucharist, uniting the offering of their lives to that of Mary.

Discover the process of enthronement in the homes of Mary, Immaculate Queen

The House of Bois-le-Roi

The house in Bois-le-Roi is located at the gateway to the forest of Fontainebleau, south-east of Paris. It is the mother house of the Fraternity, where about twenty brothers and sisters live this simple and family life, punctuated by prayer, work and fraternal life.

We welcome you every day of the week, for special events or retreats.

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"Let yourself be touched by God who is near, let the presence of his love reach your soul. Let yourself be filled with the joy of God who shows himself to us, who created us and will never leave us: then you will sing."

Cardinal Ratzinger on the feast of St. Cecilia

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